Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emil Ganso
Seated Nude
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Drawings of the Masters American Drawings
Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr.

Strait View of the Ribs and Hips

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Raffaello Sanzino (Raphael)
From the Resurrection of Christ
Sketch Book for the Artist
Sarah Simblet

Angled View of the Ribs and Hips

A.R. Williams
Lateral Contour Map
Sketch Book for the Artist
Sara Simblet

Side View of the Ribs and Hips

Saturday, September 13, 2008

another life

This project was created in photo shop, and i am NOT computer savvy, so when i was able to look at my finished product; i was very happy. It took me a long time to get the hang of the program, but it was worth it in the end.
my inspiration was, what life is like in somebody Else's skin.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

withered woman


Some times when a project takes a lot of time and energy to complete I find myself getting lost with in it. This work is 4" x 3" and contained more tiny little squares than I would care to count.  
The idea of a tedious, time consuming connection was my main focus. It took me a total of 48 hours to plot and paint each individual square... at times when I was several hours into a sitting I felt as if I was being lost deeply with in the work itself.  
A future project of mine is to recreate the same idea here, but many, many times larger. 

Bronze snowboarding goggles

Last Fall I took part in SCSU's Bronze pour. To be completely honest it was one of the most grueling most time consuming process I have ever experienced, but it was also one of the most rewarding! After three weeks of suspense I broke apart my mold, and it was like Christmas! Working with molten metal really requires everyone to work together as a team, or things could go dangerously wrong.
I chose to create these particular goggles because of my passion for competitive sports, and the rewarding feeling you get after success! Like winning a game, or being the first down the mountain I get the same feeling when i have created something successfully.

ceramic vase

My most recent ceramics class was just up my alley.  I enjoyed every aspect of creating pieces of art from nothing and getting all muddy in the process.  This was one of my favorite works which was inspired by desire to decorate.