Friday, November 14, 2008

45 min. Female Nude


Jes said...

This drawing also shows foreshortening in the arms and legs. Here the legs were easier because they were facing toward me. unlike the arms which were facing the opposite direction.
After doing this drawing i really wanted to start working on the hands and feet more. as you can see here i lightly sketched them out, but the picture would look much more complete with them being more defined.

Amy Fichter [xenia elizabeth] said...

you drew the foreshortening of the bottom leg well--in a pose where we have more time, you could add more anatomy of the knee (sartorius, quad tendons, overlapping of semitendinosus coming in front of the gastrocnemius) to increase and clarify the feeling of the knee coming forward (more detail makes forms come forward. i know we were working on foreshortening here, but always remember to draw as much internal form as you can as well--the muscle attachment lines, rib cage, pelvis.